Troubled Teens | C.A.R.E.
Which troubled teens are at high risk for such behaviors as drug/alcohol use, dropping out of school, pregnancy, violence, depression, or suicide."Troubled Youth" - just what does this phrase refer to? Every teen, no matter how perfect they may be, undergoes a troubling phase in there young adventurous life. This is an expected adolescent behavior, but should not be and excuse for defiant behavior.
The industry for troubled youth is definitely booming. Much of this erratic behavior is due to television, bad media, easier and more access to drugs and pornography. There are things that surround are troubled teens each day, choices presented before them every minute that can lead to the title "troubled youth.
Signs of a troubled teen:
Your child becomes more secretive, and it seems like more than a desire for greater privacy
Your teen has regular, sudden outbursts of anger that are clearly unreasonable and out of proportion to whatever has caused the anger.
Your troubled teen regularly misses curfew, does not show up when expected, and lies about his or her whereabouts (is not where you expected them to be if you check up on them)
Your teenager has suddenly changed his or her peer group and hasn't made an effort to let you meet these new friends. The new group has led to a distinct change in appearance (clothing, jewelry) and change in attitude (more sullen, defiant, hostile).
Your adolescent has stolen money from your purse on regular occasions.
Your adolescent has extreme mood swings, from depression to elation, and seems to sleep a lot more than usual at times.
Your child's grades have suddenly dropped and the child has lost interest in the usual activities.