Academic Restoration for Troubled Teens
RESTORE is a consortium of residential treatment centers that use a unique and efficiant academic philosophy. The current popular trend in public education is to force character education through required courses and service hours. RESTORE recommended schools and programs promote character education through core values that have been proven time and time again: accountability, responsibility, integrity, honesty, hard work, discipline. As soon as these troubled boys and/or troubled girls learn to value themselves as well as others, they improve their behavior, and academic improvement is a benificial consequence that comes naturally.
- The RESTORE academic philosophy is: to strive to submit to proper authority to purely serve the needs of others with regards to body, mind and soul; to bring to pass the restoration of the family; and to be a legacy of truth, honor, and integrity.
At RESTORE recommended schools and programs they utilize "student-paced learning" learning modules. Student-paced learning allows students to accelerate their progress in courses that they are strong in and take the extra time needed for more difficult subjects. Its tailored to fit the specific needs of the child. Core credit is granted when students master the content, not when they've merely spent seat time in class. RESTORE only recommendeds powerful leadership schools that utilizing accredited curriculum, advanced leadership curriculum, and leadership training in their academic programs. Our recommended schools provide facademic restoration through a 9 to 12 month advanced program delivered in three phases (trimesters). Moreover, students are restored academically, returning home ready to continue on with their course work, and/or go on to college.