Psychotherapy Options for Troubled Teens / Abundant Life PreparatoryAbundant Life Preparatory understands the difficulty most parents face with their troubled teenss. Psychotherapy is very important for treating struggling teens. There are various types of therapy options which can help struggling troubled teens. Some therapies focus on shifting patterns of mood and behavior while some try to reduce the effects of bad experiences in the past. Different methods of therapies depend on the nature and problems of the teen. Types: Medication can also be used side by side with psychotherapy treatment. There are mainly 5 types of therapies available which are: - Psychodynamic Therapy: In this therapy the unresolved conflicts of the teen’s mind are resolved by providing a solution to the emotional issues of teen. These unresolved conflicts occur due to the emotional problems in teens. Advantages of Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy treats a struggling teens by changing his mind and treating the cause of his problems at the core. Thus this treatment has a long lasting effect on troubled teens.