Sometimes Teenagers Forget That They Need parents For More Than Just An Allowance
By Craig Rogers
If you asked a teenager if they needed their parents for anything more than an allowance, they'd probably respond, "Yeah, I also need rides." They are quick to be present when they need something but scarce when you do. Every relationship evolves and sometimes without intending to, parents have helped in the process of only being seen as someone to provide for their materialistic needs. Parents mentoring and teaching young adults is a part of the natural procession of life. Sometimes in today's world of material things and life being so rushed that natural necessity can be overlooked. Parents may seem old and out of touch to adolescents, therefore they rush to judgment that mom and dad really don't have anything to offer. They turn to their friends for advice and more commonly the internet. Any other source cannot possibly love or care about their child as much as they do.
C.A.R.E., the Center for Adolescent Recovery & Education, presents four very unique residential treatment centers for troubled young adults needing mentoring and learning how to use their parents as resources. The C.A.R.E. consortium of therapeutic residential centers for struggling teens is for both boys and girls.
What Can My Parents Do For Me?
Many times kids don't even realize the wealth of resources their parents have to offer. They have life experience, career knowledge, relationship advice, and so much more. Children often miss out on this because they recognize the value that is right inside of their own home. A part of the problem can also be a lack of communication in the family. If you family is struggling with getting past the "please pass my allowance", please contact C.A.R.E. immediately and speak to a professional. We are experts in bringing families together.