Adoption Issues in Troubled Teens from Arizona | C.A.R.E.

Adoption Issues Troubled Teens Arizona


C.A.R.E. is a unit of licensed residential treatment centers that offers programs to troubled teens living in Arizona who are in need of treatment for adoption issues. At C.A.R.E., a team of medical professionals will work with you and your child to develop a customized treatment plan, set goals and monitor progress. Our psychiatrists, nurses and other staff members have expertise and experience in treating teens who have issues surrounding adoption. On-site family counseling is provided to bewildered and broken adoptive parents to encourage them to walk with their child during the difficult times. 


Adopted children have special needs that parents should be aware of. They need to be assured often that they are welcome and worthy. They need to be validated for having a dual heritage and that adoption involves loss and grief. They need to be taught that adoption is wonderful and can present lifelong challenges for everyone involved. They need to know their own adoption story and birth story to be assured that the birth parent’s decision to let them go was not about the child but about the parents. Adopted children need to be prepared for some hurtful things that other children may say about them. They also need permission to express all of their feelings around the adoption so that they can deal with their feelings of rejection and to learn that absence does not mean abandonment. And, children need to hear their parents openly discuss their own feelings surrounding the adoption.


Parenting an Adopted Child can be very Complex

Parenting an adopted child can be more complex than parenting a biological child. Adoptive parents face unique challenges when raising adopted children. It is important for traditional parents to keep the lines of communication open with their children, but it is even more crucial for adoptive parents, especially as adopted children become teenagers. Adopted teens will have other issues to face as they grow and mature.


Residential treatment centers and therapeutic boarding schools focus on helping troubled teens take personal accountability. Through intensive individual, group and family therapy, residential staff work on shifting the child from blaming others for his problems to acknowledging that he is where he is because he made poor choices. Most of all, these programs offer healing and hope for adolescents who are experiencing issues surrounding adoption. They are particularly skilled at helping parents learn tools to change their own behaviors and learn to deal with the issues their teenagers exhibit.


Your teenager can be helped through therapeutic intervention and the services at C.A.R.E. 

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