Home - Young Adult Transitional Living Programs

Does your adult child need a fresh start in West Virginia? We can help...

For struggling young adults from West Virginia who are in need of a fresh start we recommend young adult transitional living programs.  Transitional living programs help troubled young men and women to get back into college, hold down a job, and manage their personal affairs. Basically, they learn to live independently.  Young adult programs accomplish this by providing "life coaching", "therapy", and "residential living" - all presented by professional staff.  The top programs are led by licensed therapists and certified life coaches.  These professionals are specifically trained to work with struggling young people who have failed to launch.  For more information about transitional living programs for struggling young adults please consider calling us... speak with one of our Family Advocates and get the coaching you need to make a qualified choice that will make all the difference in the world.

Transitional living programs are not all work and no play.  Young adults often need to learn to play and have fun without alcohol and drugs (or video games). The top programs promote healthy activities like rock climbing, canyoneering, and horsemanship. These activities are part of the leadership program. Young men and women learn to create personal purpose and values through healthy activities, and healthy life choices.   Through the adversity that comes from rock climbing the student learns to problem solve.  Through challenging activities he or she can discover many of the many thinking errors that have held them back. Students are taught "life planning" and "decision making" by participating in sponsored . Through adversity the students learn the difference between independent and inter-dependent and the importance of teamwork and trust. At the Crossroads understands that the young adult having trouble transitioning to adulthood, needs to learn how to goal set and take action of these goals.

Can someone help my adult son or daughter from West Virginia?

Yes!  We can help your adult son or daughter. Sometimes hurting young adults from West Virginia need extra help and extra support.  Sometimes they need a little life coaching to transition successfully into adulthood.  Young adult independent living programs focus on training up the young person to be able to care for their own emotional and physical needs, go to school, keep a job, and live "substance free".  

Famous Quotes:   "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." Zig Ziglar  "I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?"  Ernest Hemingway  "Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday." John Wayne

Famous Quotes:  "Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." Isaac Asimov  "Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs."  Charlotte Bronte "While we are postponing, life speeds by."  Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Restore Troubled Teens (RESTORE) represents a consortium of therapeutic schools programs that have the goal to help troubled teens overcome a wide variety of issues from which many of today's adolescents suffer. We work with families of teens who are struggling with emotional, psychological and behavioral problems that require a residential setting to effectively treat these issues. Mood disorders (depression, bipolar, suicidal thoughts), anxiety, sexual addictions, eating disorders, adoption issues, substance abuse and addiction, various learning disabilities, ADD & ADHD, oppositional defiance, attachment disorders, psychosexual disorders, and PTSD are some of the more common issues that are treated by RESTORE recommended schools. Serving families from all 50 States.