When do I know that my child needs a program for troubled youth in Alabaster, AL?
If your child becomes more secretive, and it seems like more than a desire for greater privacy (he or she is sneaking out, skipping classes, hanging out with new "negative" friends) there might problematic issues below the surface. Our recommendation is that you look deeper. If your teen has regular, sudden outbursts of anger that are clearly unreasonable and out of proportion to whatever has caused the anger, there might be drug use or addiction that you don't know about. Perhaps what you are witnessing is just the tip of the iceberg. Parents, if you are frieghtened, worried, concerned, and confused then perhaps you would benefit from counsel from a Family Advocate. A Family Advocate will assess the situation and then coach you through your options.
If your child regularly misses curfew, does not show up when expected, and lies about his or her whereabouts (is not where you expected them to be if you check up on them) you might have a tiger by the tail. If your teenager has suddenly changed his or her peer group and hasn't made an effort to let you meet these new friends. If the new group has led to a distinct change in appearance (clothing, jewelry) and change in attitude (more sullen, defiant, hostile), perhaps you need to remove your child from the group before things get worse.
In your adolescent has stolen money from your purse on regular occasions... if your adolescent has extreme mood swings, going from depression to elation, and seems to sleep a lot more than usual at times... if your child comes home with red and swollen glassey eyes, smelling like alcohol or pot... perhaps its time to make a move to change his or her environment.
Typical Programs for Troubled Teens:
Boot Camps
Group Homes
Wilderness Therapy Camps
Residential Treatment Centers
Therapeutic Boarding Schools
Outdoor Adventure Camps
Is there a therapeutic solution for troubled teens in Alabaster, AL?
Many programs are marketed toward the "brat" teenager (spoiled, emotionally immature, selfish, self-centered). Usually, these programs are typically accredited schools (academics is extremely important to most parents), offer therapeutic intervention and continued aftercare, and family counseling. Typically programs for youth are used as an opportunities to provide treatment and needed academic support. Programs are used by parents to rescue their child's life with the hope to get them back on track toward a powerful future.
Happiness Quotes “How does one craft happiness out of something as important, as complicated, as unrepeatable and as easily damaged as life?” ― Sonya Hartnett “There is no greater misery than false joys.” ― Bernard of Clairvaux “Many people see happiness only in their future.” ― François Lelord
Heart Quotes “There is one kind of laugh that I always did recommend; it looks out of the eye first with a merry twinkle, then it creeps down on its hands and knees and plays around the mouth like a pretty moth around the blaze of a candle, then it steals over into the dimples of the cheeks and rides around in those whirlpools for a while, then it lights up the whole face like the mellow bloom on a damask rose, then it swims up on the air, with a peal as clear and as happy as a dinner-bell, then it goes back again on gold tiptoes like an angel out for an airing, and it lies down on its little bed of violets in the heart where it came from.” ― Josh Billings