Reasons To Send My Daughter To Sedona Sky Academy

Reasons To Send My Daughter To Sedona Sky Academy

Reasons To Send My Daughter To Sedona Sky Academy
Reasons To Send My Daughter To Sedona Sky Academy

When looking for a residential treatment program for your troubled teen, there are surely many different places from which to choose. Even if you are not looking for intense therapy for your daughter, an exceptional education with unique experiences is always something any young woman can benefit from.

Sedona Sky Academy is a highly-ranked, caring, and professional residential treatment program. They have helped hundreds of girls overcome their struggles with mental health. Sedona Sky does this through art, music, equine therapy, in partnership with their exceptional therapists and staff. In addition, Sedona Sky has an academic program that far surpasses even many private schools, which gives each girl an edge up into the competitive world of universities.

The Success Of Sedona Sky Academy Speaks For Itself

Teen girl working with animal therapyWhile some anti-youth program advocates will rant against Sedona Sky and other schools, they stand behind their success rates and the satisfaction of the parents and students they have worked with for years. Their students are supplied with exceptional college preparation skills, including classes for the tests that will determine much of their college career. Sedona Sky Academy has an over 90% placement rate for their students in universities across the country. This is in large part thanks to the dedicated and experienced teachers that they have on staff.

Sedona Sky is different than many other residential treatment programs, as well as from other schools. They have an excellent equestrian program, designed to help each girl learn responsibility and self-confidence. Every year, Sedona Sky takes a group of girls to the Presidential Classroom in Washington, D.C., to learn more about our country’s history. Sedona Sky Academy LogoVery few programs bring such variety to their education and treatment, and they are proud to be part of such a unique way of living. To find out more, call them at (855) 290-9680 or visit their website.

Sedona Sky Academy, the previous site of Copper Canyon Academy owned by Aspen, was rescued by Tammy Behrmann to enable a profound recovery for any troubled teen girl.

About Author
Mark Sampson is a father, husband, and coach that works as a marketing manager & content writer for Red Frog SEO, an Internet Marketing & SEO firm. He lives in sunny So. Utah with his wife and three children. Mark has been in the Internet Marketing & SEO industry for over 3 years,...

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Restore Troubled Teens (RESTORE) represents a consortium of therapeutic schools programs that have the goal to help troubled teens overcome a wide variety of issues from which many of today's adolescents suffer. We work with families of teens who are struggling with emotional, psychological and behavioral problems that require a residential setting to effectively treat these issues. Mood disorders (depression, bipolar, suicidal thoughts), anxiety, sexual addictions, eating disorders, adoption issues, substance abuse and addiction, various learning disabilities, ADD & ADHD, oppositional defiance, attachment disorders, psychosexual disorders, and PTSD are some of the more common issues that are treated by RESTORE recommended schools. Serving families from all 50 States.