Gummy Bears: Now Getting Kids Drunk

Teen drinking is something that many parents may have seen before.
However, there are new and creative methods that teens are using now for consuming alcohol when they’re partying is posing a new danger. It is also resulting in higher rates of substance abuse and addiction. Tragically, the majority of teens have absolutely no idea exactly how alcohol can damage them and their still-developing brains. These new creative methods could make it harder for you, as a parent, to recognize the danger signs.
How do teens get drunk?
In the good old days, getting drunk usually involved drinking games, beer bongs and shots, which were dangerous enough. But, these days, teens have much more inventive methods. One of the latest is to soak gummy bears in vodka. It may not be a totally new idea, but over the last few years, the practice has been growing in popularity. It’s easy for kids to hide because of the odorless nature of vodka and the fact that those little candies look so innocuous. The danger lies in the fact that teens really don’t have any idea of how much alcohol they are consuming or how it can lead to addiction or alcohol poisoning.
Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms
Some symptoms include:
- Vomiting
- Breathing rate that's slowed down
- Body temperature that's lowered
- Slurred speech
- Double vision
Access to Alcohol
It’s illegal, but it’s still everywhere - teens are having no problem getting their hands on alcohol. According to an American Medical Association (AMA) survey, there are some alarming facts about how they access their poison of choice:
- One out of four teens stated that their parents give them alcohol.
- Two in three said that getting alcohol at home without their parents’ knowledge was easy.
- Two in five said getting alcohol from their friends’ parents was easy.
- One in four had gone to a party where parents allowed teens to drink.
Dangers of Binge Drinking
Another survey showed that binge drinkers are :
- Four times more prone to fighting
- Nineteen times more prone to smoking
- Four times more susceptible to date rape
- Five times more prone to sexual activity
- Eleven times more prone to riding with a drunk driver
What Can Parents Do?
In the event that you feel that your teen suffers from substance abuse or alcohol addiction, immediately seek professional help. A residential treatment center, such as the center at Elevations RTC, could be instrumental via an individualized program.
Elevations RTC is a program that specializes in both therapy and excellent academics for teens. To find out more, call us at (855) 290-9681.